- Issue created by @dunx
- 🇷🇸Serbia levmyshkin Novi Sad, Serbia
Hi dunx, yes, I planned a lot and moving slowly but surely. Some other programmers worked also on EBT/EPT modules, but now I'm working alone on them.
We have ability to override settings form (Field Widget class):
class EptSettingsMicromodalWidget extends EptSettingsDefaultWidget {
And add/remove/edit any fields as you need:
https://www.drupal.org/project/ept_micromodal →
It's usual Drupal form and it will be saved in serialized field, so you can use any number settings or field.
I'm planning to write article about this:
https://drupalbook.org/ebt/extending-ebt-settings-formBut I worked on module generator first:
https://drupalbook.org/ebt/creating-new-ebt-moduleSo, basically it's easy to start with EBT/EPT modules. You can use existing modules, or generate new boilerplate EBT/EPT module and add any fields, js/css to your Block or Paragraph type.
We can arange meeting in Zoom or Google Hangout and I will quickly show you my process of creating/editing EBT/EPT modules.
- Status changed to Needs work
11 months ago 3:20pm 22 March 2024 -
levmyshkin →
committed b98929b9 on 1.4.x
Issue #3432952 by dunx: Good work! Can you implement style restrictions?
levmyshkin →
committed b98929b9 on 1.4.x
- 🇷🇸Serbia levmyshkin Novi Sad, Serbia
Hi dunx, I updated EBT Core module and added Minimal field widget:
- Status changed to Fixed
11 months ago 9:23am 27 March 2024