- Issue created by @agentrickard
We are converting https://www.drupal.org/project/governor β to use Single Directory Components and Storybook.
Here is the problem snippet from the "usa_footer" twig template:
<div class="mobile-lg:grid-col-8">
<nav class="usa-footer__nav" aria-label="Footer navigation">
{{ footer_primary }}
when coming from Drupal is a render array.
There does not seem to be a means to replicate that structure within the arguments of stories.twig
Note that because of template nesting, our strong preference is to use the following story structure:
{% include 'governator:usa_footer' %}
instead of using an embed with
Here are the elements of the component as they stand now, but this seems insecure if the twig file is also used to render Drupal content. I
$schema: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/sdc/-/raw/1.x/src/metadata.schema.json
name: USWDS Footer
status: experimental
group: USWDS
type: object
type: Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute
type: string
title: Name of the organization
type: string
title: Phone number (eg (800) 354-2337)
type: string
title: Organization email address
title: Logo
type: object
- path
- alt
- width
- height
type: string
title: Logo path
type: string
title: Alt text
type: number
title: Width of the image
type: number
title: Height of the image
title: Footer Primary
title: Footer Secondary
{# Arguments #}
{% set args_default = {
org_name: '<Agency Contact Center>',
phone: '<(800) 555-GOVT>',
email: '<info@agency.gov>',
logo: {
path: 'themes/contrib/governator/dist/uswds/img/logo-img.png',
alt: 'Agency Logo',
width: 350,
height: 150,
'<ul class="grid-row grid-gap">
<li class="mobile-lg:grid-col-6 desktop:grid-col-auto usa-footer__primary-content">
<a class="usa-footer__primary-link" href="https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/footer/#slim-footer">Primary link</a>
<li class="mobile-lg:grid-col-6 desktop:grid-col-auto usa-footer__primary-content">
<a class="usa-footer__primary-link" href="https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/footer/#slim-footer">Primary link</a>
<li class="mobile-lg:grid-col-6 desktop:grid-col-auto usa-footer__primary-content">
<a class="usa-footer__primary-link" href="https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/footer/#slim-footer">Primary link</a>
<li class="mobile-lg:grid-col-6 desktop:grid-col-auto usa-footer__primary-content">
<a class="usa-footer__primary-link" href="https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/footer/#slim-footer">Primary link</a>
} %}
{# Stories definition. #}
{% stories usa_footer with {
title: 'Components/USWDS/USA Footer',
component: 'USA Footer',
parameters: {
componentSubtitle: '',
docs: {
description: {
component: '
A footer serves site visitors who arrive at the bottom of a page without finding what they want.
* https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/footer/
argTypes: {
org_name: {
description: 'The organization name.',
control: 'text',
table: {
type: {summary: 'string'},
defaultValue: {summary: args_default.org_name},
phone: {
description: 'The phone number of the organization.',
control: 'text',
table: {
type: {summary: 'string'},
defaultValue: {summary: args_default.phone},
email: {
description: 'The email of the organization.',
control: 'text',
table: {
type: {summary: 'string'},
defaultValue: {summary: args_default.email},
footer_primary: {
description: 'This is a drupal block for footer primary',
control: 'text',
table: {
type: {summary: 'html'},
defaultValue: {summary: args_default.footer_primary},
} %}
{# Default story #}
{% story default with {
name: '1. Default',
args: args_default,
} %}
{% include 'governator:usa_footer' %}
{% endstory %}
{% endstories %}
{% set variant = 'slim' %}
set classes = [
'usa-footer--' ~ variant,
{% if variant == 'slim' %}
<footer{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
<div class="grid-container usa-footer__return-to-top">
<a href="#">{{ 'Return to top'|t }}</a>
<div class="usa-footer__primary-section">
<div class="usa-footer__primary-container grid-row">
<div class="mobile-lg:grid-col-8">
<nav class="usa-footer__nav" aria-label="Footer navigation">
{# The `is iterable` test lets us pass HTML from a story when a render array is expected #}
{{ footer_primary is iterable ? footer_primary : footer_primary|raw }}
{% if phone or email %}
<div class="mobile-lg:grid-col-4">
<address class="usa-footer__address">
<div class="grid-row grid-gap">
{% if phone %}
<div class="grid-col-auto mobile-lg:grid-col-12 desktop:grid-col-auto">
<div class="usa-footer__contact-info">
<a href="tel:{{ phone|trim }}">{{ phone }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if email %}
<div class="grid-col-auto mobile-lg:grid-col-12 desktop:grid-col-auto">
<div class="usa-footer__contact-info">
<a href="mailto:{{ email }}">{{ email }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="usa-footer__secondary-section">
<div class="grid-container">
{# {{ footer_secondary is iterable ? footer_secondary : footer_secondary|raw }} #}
<div class="usa-footer__logo grid-row grid-gap-2">
<div class="grid-col-auto">
<img class="usa-footer__logo-img" src="{{ logo.path }}" alt="{{ logo.alt }}" width="{{ logo.width }}" height="{{ logo.height }}">
<div class="grid-col-auto">
<p class="usa-footer__logo-heading">{{ org_name }}</p>
{% endif %}
Essentially, I think we need a better way to define slots in the story.
It could be that I am simply missing something in the argument definition.
It could also be that we need to redefine the component to remove the arbitrary "slots" with structured data.
Might we want a twig filter that recognizes if the arguments are coming from Storybook, so that we can safely print markup.