UX design for script run sub-module

Created on 21 March 2024, 12 months ago
Updated 12 June 2024, 9 months ago


As a admin/developer user, I need a UX design for an interface that would allow me to choose from a bunch scripts to run, and run them.

The interface has the the following known requirements:

  1. The main page has a list of up to a ~100 scripts that could be chosen to run.
  2. Information in the list would include:
    1. Script name which is really a file name like MoveFAQsToHelpContent
    2. A one-ish sentence description that tells what the script does.
    3. An indicator of whether the script can be run more than once.
    4. Number of times it has been run
    5. Indication of if a given script is running currently
      1. Disables ALL run buttons if one script is running.
      2. Drupal style alert message to say can't run a script because another script is already running
    6. Duration of the last completed run
    7. Date of last run
    8. An indicator of whether the last run completed.
  3. An action item(s) to be able to run a given script. Only one could ever be run at a time.
  4. A confirmation page that would confirm:
    1. The script name
    2. Description
    3. Number of items it will operate on.
    4. A 'run' action
    5. A 'cancel' action
✨ Feature request





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