- Issue created by @majorrobot
- πΊπΈUnited States swirt Florida
Hi @majorrobot. Thank you for reporting this issue.
I am not seeing this on two different sites that I have up running the module.
ddev drush content-model-documentation:export 6 Exported CM Document: [6] => adminzZzstructurezZztaxonomyzZzmanagezZztagszZzdocument.yml
Can you verify two things
- That you are running at minimum version 1.0.21 of content_model_documentation. (that is when the export feature was added)
- Visit /admin/config/system/cm_document in your site and make sure you have the machine name of a local module specified. (I doubt it is this as the drush command should still be found, even though it will error.)
I doubt it is #2 as it would not prevent the drush command from existing. It would only throw back an error like this:
ddev drush content-model-documentation:export 3 Content Model Document export exception: CM Document export to a file requires the local module path to be set and exist. Check the setting /admin/config/system/cm_document
Is it possible that your drush is running generically (outside of your site) so it is only giving you basic commands but not commands declared by your site? Your test of drush generate was a good start, but that would likely run without being connected to your site. Running "drush status" might give you info about whether it is actually acting on your site. Are there any other contrib modules in your site that also have drush commands you could test?
- πΊπΈUnited States swirt Florida
Actually, nevermind.. I see the problem. The command does not work with drush 12.
I will try to track down the fix and get this resolved. - Merge request !15Issue #3427908 by swirt, majorrobot: Drush 12: no commands defined in the... β (Merged) created by swirt
- πΊπΈUnited States swirt Florida
The current state of the PR is that it works with drush 12 but breaks with 11. :(
- πΊπΈUnited States swirt Florida
Fixed, tested with both drush 11 and 12. Import and export work as expected.
- Status changed to Fixed
10 months ago 2:46am 15 March 2024 - Status changed to Fixed
10 months ago 2:50am 15 March 2024 - πΊπΈUnited States swirt Florida