- Issue created by @madelyncruz
- 🇵🇭Philippines madelyncruz
madelyncruz → changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-1.x to hidden.
- Status changed to Needs review
12 months ago 5:22am 16 February 2024 Hi @madelyncruz , I reviewed the steps
Steps to reproduce
1) Create an entity reference field.
2) Set the default limit to unlimited.
3) Set the cardinality limit to 1.
4) Go to the entity form.Before :
- 🇵🇭Philippines madelyncruz
@vijayavelr, I edited #4 on how to replicate the issue. The form widget has to "Inline entity form - Simple". could you please try again?
- Merge request !11Issue #3421798: IEF simple widget shows a table format for a single value → (Open) created by madelyncruz
- Issue was unassigned.