- Issue created by @brooke_heaton
- Assigned to chetan 11
- 🇺🇸United States brooke_heaton
I should note that the new requiresments of the module.enable config makes the current README and Drupal\saml_idp\Install::postInstall obsolete. The config-dist should probably include an example config.php file as well.
- Issue was unassigned.
- Assigned to halth
- 🇧🇷Brazil halth Brazil
I'm having this same issue on a client project. I'll try to resolve this today.
- Merge request !11Draft: Resolve #3420297 "Simplesamlphp 2.1 compatibility" → (Closed) created by halth
- 🇧🇷Brazil halth Brazil
Just a quick status update that I'm still working on this. Should be opening a new MR in the next couple of days.
- Status changed to Needs review
about 1 year ago 1:43pm 14 February 2024 - 🇧🇷Brazil halth Brazil
Just applied the latest set of changes on top of MR!12.
Appreciate the community's effort in reviewing it.
Also, I believe this module will need a rewrite for full SimpleSAMLphp:2.1 compatibility, now that they support namespaced classes.
I don't know SimpleSAMLphp fully and I'm uncertain if "pattern named functions" (like sspmod_drupalauth_Auth_Source_External) are still supported.
I also ran by the https://www.drupal.org/project/drupalauth4ssp → module, which relies on the `drupalauth/simplesamlphp-module-drupalauth` composer project.
Even though it's not a 1 to 1 replacement (especially on the approach to set user attributes, which impose a hard rule with little-to-no customization), it seems like a more active project.
As the maintainer of this module is looking for support/new maintainers, wouldn't it be case the join efforts with the fellows from drupalauth4ssp?
What are your thoughts?
Heitor. - 🇺🇸United States brooke_heaton
FWIW since the future of this module is undetermined, I have implemented drupalauth4ssp and so far it is working pretty well, however it is lacking some of the features of saml_idp, namely the implementation of a alter hook to manipulate the SimpleSAML 'attributes' in an assertion. But it does seem to have a mechanism to define attributes. I am still investigating. Thanks for your owrk on this @halth.
- 🇺🇸United States bradjones1 Digital Nomad Life
I haven't touched SAML in ages though I am still active in the auth space writ-large. I still don't really love how this module works under the hood but if people I know/respect are using this, I'm happy to pass the torch or give some thoughts or, whatever.
Brooke, do you want to be a maintainer?
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom Rob230
Did anyone actually get this to work?
I'm trying the merge request. First of all, it does still need a drupalauth directory creating in vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/modules, because the getModules() code scans that directory for modules, and it will say the drupalauth module doesn't exist without it.
But I get this error:
Caused by: Exception: Could not resolve 'drupalauth:External': The class 'SimpleSAML\Module\drupalauth\Auth\Source\External' isn't a subclass of '\SimpleSAML\Auth\Source'.
I don't exactly understand what this code in
is doing, but it seems like thewww/modules/contrib/saml_idp/src/Auth/Source/External
class is not being found, because it is a subclass of\SimpleSAML\Auth\Source
. - 🇬🇧United Kingdom Rob230
I managed to get it working with these changes:
1. Put a blank file at vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/modules/drupalauth
2. Apply the attached patch on top of MR12 (I have not added to your merge requests because I don't understand why it was done that way or how you got it working).
3. Update autoload section to composer.json as follows:
"autoload": { "psr-4": { "SimpleSAML\\Module\\drupalauth\\Auth\\": "www/modules/contrib/saml_idp/src/Auth/" }, "classmap": [ "scripts/composer/ScriptHandler.php", "www/modules/contrib/saml_idp/src/Auth/" ] },