Token name sent instead of value, if value is zero (0)

Created on 6 February 2024, about 1 year ago
Updated 17 May 2024, 9 months ago


We are seeing the token names being sent to a remote REST service, when a value from the webform submission is zero. In this particular webform's case, zero values are valid and should be sent to the remote service -- however, they are getting stripped out in the _webform_remote_handlers_token_cleaner() function.

Steps to reproduce

Create a webform that sends a value of zero. For example, a "Radios" element with several values, and one of them 0.

Configure the REST handler, with a message that includes the field's value as a token -- for example,

  "sid": "[webform_submission:sid]", 
  "id": "iq_survey_alt_version",
   "participant" : "[webform_submission:values:participant]", 
{ "Question": "4", "Answer":

If the value for [webform_submission:values:4_how_many_servings_of_fruit_] evaluates to "0", the payload sent to the REST server sends
"[webform_submission:values:4_how_many_servings_of_fruit_]" instead of "0".

Proposed resolution

Allow "0" values to get sent using the handler.

Remaining tasks

Fix the _webform_remote_handlers_token_cleaner() function, which checks each value with the PHP empty() function, and change it to not replace zeros.

User interface changes


API changes

Data model changes

πŸ› Bug report






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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States freelock Seattle

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