Not compatible with Commerce Currency Resolver

Created on 6 February 2024, 5 months ago


I've used this module extensively with commerce 1.x and am now trying to use it for the first time on commerce 2.x.
Unfortunately, the module doesn't work on my site. I've created a simple pricelist that applies to everyone, but prices do not update on the product page or in any of the cart views. During check-out of the specified variations the prices in the pricelist are also not applied.

Steps to reproduce

* Use Drupal 10.2.2, latest version of commerce and latest version of this module.
* Create a pricelist at /price-list/add/commerce_product_variation
* Pick a variation, set a price, set it as available to everyone, and select a store (I have 2 stores and selected them both)
* Navigate to your product page and see the wrong price is listed. Click on "prices" and see that the price in the price list is displayed there, but not applied.
* Add the variation to your cart and proceed to checkout. Wrong price is still applied.

Proposed resolution

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

✨ Feature request






Created by

🇹🇭Thailand AlfTheCat

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  • Issue created by @AlfTheCat
  • 🇮🇱Israel jsacksick

    I've been using pricelist for years and it's working as expected... It could be simply that you're showing the product price field? That ofc isn't going to be updated.
    On add to card the right price should be used though... Not sure why this wouldn't be the case on your site.

  • 🇹🇭Thailand AlfTheCat

    After tinkering some more, I learned I must add a price for each available currency. I use Commerce Currency Resolver. and, apparently, currency conversion is not working together with this module yet. Even though the variation has a single currency price field with conversion happening automatically, inside price lists a price needs to be defined for every possible currency.

    I found a few issues regarding multi-currency setups, but they don't seem to touch this use case. I'm not sure if this issue is perhaps related to ✨ Add a currency resolver API (with a CurrentCurrency object). Needs work , as it states in the issue description:

    This would be useful for example in Commerce Pricelist, cause it would allow defining prices per-currency and having them automatically selected. Relevant contrib module:

    however, in my case I want to enter only 1 price in 1 currency, like is done when creating variations, and then have their prices converted according to the defined exchange rates.

  • 🇹🇭Thailand AlfTheCat

    Hi @jsacksick, thanks for the reply. I was just updating the issue when your comment came in. Thanks for the reply, I traced it back to an incompatibility with Commerce Currency Resolver.

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