- Issue created by @m4olivei
- First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !193Issue #3418420: Content and Files Admin routes show local tasks as tabs... → (Merged) created by plopesc
- Status changed to Needs review
12 months ago 12:37pm 12 March 2024 - 🇪🇸Spain plopesc Valladolid
Created MR for this.
Once working on it, I realized that behavior for these pages should be tabs instead of top bar options I think.
Original idea was to have only entity operations in the top bar. Tabs in these pages are not operations like when you are visiting a node, but actual links to different entity listing page.
Also, the "More actions" label does not make sense to me in this scenario.
Created a MR to exclude entity collection routes from the NavigationRenderer logic.
Please test it and we can discuss about the best approach for this issue and rephrase it if you consider it appropriate.
- 🇨🇦Canada m4olivei Grimsby, ON
Original idea was to have only entity operations in the top bar. Tabs in these pages are not operations like when you are visiting a node, but actual links to different entity listing page.
That makes sense! I think we were so focused on the inconsistency, that we didn't consider that it doesn't make sense for collections pages. I'm OK with the change. Here, lets double check with @ckrina, if only to all be on the same page here.
- Status changed to Fixed
12 months ago 1:48pm 12 March 2024 - 🇪🇸Spain ckrina Barcelona
We just discussed this with @plopesc and @m4olivei in slack: only entities should get the dropdown. So merging the work. Thanks!
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.