- Issue created by @peter törnstrand
Getting lots of errors in Drupal in our TEST and DEV environments after installing this module.
[error] Could not send notification to Silktide Client error: `POST https://api.silktide.com/cms/update` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
{“error”:{“type”:“UrlsDontBelongException”,“title”:“URLs don\u0027t belong to any known website”,“description”:“The requ (truncated...)
about http://xxxx/node/xxx - data {“method”:“post”,“headers”:{“content-type”:“application\/x-www-form-urlencoded”,“user-agent”:“SilktideDrupal\/1.6 (compatible; Drupal\/10.1.7)“},“blocking”:true,“compress”:true,“body”:“apiKey=xxx&urls%5B0%5D=xxx"}
I have solved this temporarily with attached patch and a config override for TEST and DEV environments.
$config['silktide.settings']['apiKey'] = '';
Perhaps it would be better if we could have a checkbox on the config page that let's you disable the Silktide integration that you could control either directly via a config override or via a config split. For example $config['silktide.settings']['status'] = FALSE;