WYSIWYG image styling

Created on 19 January 2024, 5 months ago
Updated 7 March 2024, 4 months ago

User Story

As a content producer
I want options to display images alongside content within a content component in different ways
So that I have options to build my page with images that are not all full width


Allow to control size and horizontal alignment of the image in WYSIWYG.

Ideally we want a couple of options

  1. Full width - this is the current default

  2. Float image left, wrap text right

  3. Float image right, wrap text left

  4. Image width = 1/3 body

  5. Image width = 1/2 body - nice to have

We will need to consider:

  1. Do we need to allow for captions? If so where are they added?

  2. Is it bringing in unnecessary complexity asking for two widths? If so, choose one only.

  3. Is the image a fixed aspect ratio? Meaning if uploaded image doesn’t fit the fixed ratio part of the image will be cropped using the focal point module (which we do not have in place).

  4. Is the image a fixed width only, allowing the height to be flexible?

  5. How does the wrapped text behave if the image ends in the middle of a paragraph? The text should continue below the image.

  6. Do we expect to see the layout in the back end? Ideally yes.

Acceptance Criteria


AC 1 - Full width
Given I’m an authenticated user
When I add an image to a content component
Then I can choose to make the image display full width of the page body area

AC 2 - Float image left
Given I’m an authenticated user
When I add an image to a content component
Then I can choose to make the image display on the left of the page body
And wrap the text to the right

AC 2 - Float image right
Given I’m an authenticated user
When I add an image to a content component
Then I can choose to make the image display on the right side of the page body
And wrap the text to the left

  • Image width

  • Caption

✨ Feature request

Postponed: needs info




User interface

Created by

🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

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