- Issue created by @pdureau
- π«π·France pdureau Paris
Let's override the componentpluginmanager again in ui_patterns_library, and make it extends ui_patterns one
- Status changed to Needs work
11 months ago 12:24pm 23 January 2024 - π«π·France pdureau Paris
- componentpluginmanager added with first draft of JSON schema examples property and otehr stuff
- split of templates (not in the scope of this issue, but let's do it anyway)
What do we do if there a not the same number of examples in props?
- We ignore missing examples? (current situation)
- We repeat the last example?
- We do a matrix? For example, 2 props, one with 2 examples, one with 3 examples: 3 stories.?
- π«π·France pdureau Paris
This branch also have commits about splitting library templates !
- π«π·France pdureau Paris
Splitting library templates task is moved to π [2.0.0-alpha3] Split Library templates into smaller ones Active
- π«π·France pdureau Paris
See also β¨ [2.0.0-beta4] Add a stories specific discovery Needs work
- π«π·France pdureau Paris
Still working on it.
Testing with https://www.drupal.org/project/prototype β and not convinced because the results are not visually great.
- π«π·France pdureau Paris
Moved to beta2, with the related Library issues. However, we may cancel this change if the results don't match the added complexity.
- π«π·France pdureau Paris
Because we plan to extends the plugin manager, let's wait to see what will happen with the service decorator in π [2.0.0-beta2] plugin.manager.sdc conflict with Experience Builder Active
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Active
23 days ago 12:58pm 26 November 2024 - π«π·France pdureau Paris
Let's start again, with a service decorator instead of the first proposal, following π [2.0.0-beta2] plugin.manager.sdc conflict with Experience Builder Active