Editor removes <map> and <area> tags whilst the filter allows the node to display them

Created on 12 January 2024, 11 months ago
Updated 13 January 2024, 11 months ago


Since upgrading to 10.2 nodes containing <map> and <area> tags to produce a clickable image have continued to display correctly, but when editing the node they are removed thus resulting in data loss. The filter contains

<br> <p class id data-color> <h2 id class> <h3 id class> <h4 id class> <h5 id class> <h6 id class> <table class border cellpadding cellspacing data-drupal-selector data-striping title id draggable> <a class hreflang data-dialog-options data-dialogue-type href title id data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-entity-substitution> <cite class id> <dl class id> <dt class id> <dd class id> <h1 class id> <blockquote cite> <ul id type class> <ol id type reversed start class> <li id class> <tr id class> <td id data-sheets-value rowspan colspan class> <th id scope rowspan colspan class> <span class id data-color> <colgroup> <col span class> <div class id> <b> <img class id sizes src alt height width data-caption data-align title loading srcset> <i> <hr id class> <pre class id> <figure class id> <article class id> <button class id> <tbody id class> <tfoot id class> <em id class> <drupal-media usemap data-entity-type data-entity-uuid alt data-view-mode data-align> <figcaption> <abbr> <wbr> <kbd> <label> <q> <big> <small> <thead id class> <picture> <source srcset media> <map name> <area href coords shape> <strong> <u> <code class="language-*"> <s> <sub> <sup> <caption>

as valid tags. The <map> & <area> are defined in an xxx.ckeditor5.yml file

The workaround is to disable " Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML", perform the edit, and then re-enable it. The tags are now only usable within full html.

https://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng is node with such an image that is working but loses the data when it is edited.

🐛 Bug report

Closed: duplicate



CKEditor 5 

Last updated about 18 hours ago

Created by

🇬🇧United Kingdom phil stringer

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