- Issue created by @ressa
Sometimes when you create an issue, it can be hard to find the right category. See for example 🐛 Aggregation of JavaScript files can cause redeclaration Active , where I selected the "aggregator.module", but "asset library system" was the correct Component.
Make it easier to find the right category. It could be by creating a Components section under https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/components →
Each Component would get a page, for example https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/components/asset-library-system → , with a short description.
All Components should be free text searchable, with autocompletion from
https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/components →
so that if you type "javascript aggre" the /docs/develop/components/asset-library-system
Component page should be suggested.
11.0 🔥