Module not working with LibreJS browser plugin?

Created on 2 January 2024, 6 months ago
Updated 3 May 2024, about 2 months ago

First of all, thank you very much for working on this module! I was very excited to see a Drupal 8+ release a while back!

I've been playing around with the LibreJS Drupal module a bit, but I have troubles to get my site to work with the LibreJS browser module. Some of the licenses are detected properly, since not all scripts are blocked. So I think the browser plugin does read my license page.

I've noticed two things:

  1. It seems licenses like "GNU-GPL-2.0-or-later", for instance, are not recognised by the LibreJS browser plugin, but only "GPL-2.0", and so on (without the "later" part), according to However, many Drupal JS libraries use the "or-later" license in their *.libraries.yml file.
  2. If there is no "remote" defined in the *.libraries.yml file, the license list lacks the "Source", which seems to result in blocking the script as well, if I'm not mistaken

So, I was curious whether the LibreJS Drupal module is not up-to-date anymore to work the current browser plugin, or the Drupal plugin never actually intended to so, but only to provide a list of the licenses to "prove" the site runs free JS only.

I hope my wording is not confusing. By "Drupal module" I mean this module here for my Drupal installation, and by "Browser plugin" I mean the following plugin for my browser that blocks non-free JS:

I've been using LibreWolf with LibreJS 7.21.1 and Drupal 10.0.9 with LibreJS 2.0.4

🐛 Bug report






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🇨🇭Switzerland maenjuel

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