- Issue created by @FrankieD3
Is this related to 🐛 _ckeditor5_theme_css() not called. ckeditor5-stylesheets not working Active ?
- 🇺🇸United States FrankieD3
It very well could be, though I mistakenly left out a vital bit of information in my original post. This isn't so much a CSS issue as it is a template issue.
I have the following preprocess in my front-end theme's .theme file, and it is effecting the rendering of elements within CKEditor 5 with the admin theme. To note, I am using the Gin admin theme.
function theme_preprocess_image(array &$variables) { // Remove the "title" attribute from the image element. unset($variables['attributes']['title']); // Check if the "loading" attribute is set to "lazy". if (isset($variables['attributes']['loading']) && $variables['attributes']['loading'] === 'lazy') { $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'lazy'; unset($variables['attributes']['loading']); // If the "src" attribute is set, move it to "data-src". if (isset($variables['attributes']['src'])) { $variables['attributes']['data-src'] = $variables['attributes']['src']; unset($variables['attributes']['src']); } // If the "srcset" attribute is set, unset it in favor of sibling source elements. if (isset($variables['attributes']['srcset'])) { unset($variables['attributes']['srcset']); } // If the "sizes" attribute is set, unset it in favor of sibling source elements. if (isset($variables['attributes']['sizes'])) { unset($variables['attributes']['sizes']); } } }