_ckeditor5_theme_css() not called. ckeditor5-stylesheets not working

Created on 18 March 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 30 June 2024, 8 months ago
🐛 Bug report



11.0 🔥

CKEditor 5 

Last updated about 19 hours ago

Created by

🇺🇸United States stevieegee

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  • Issue created by @stevieegee
  • Please show us your code.

  • 🇺🇸United States stevieegee

    This is the info.yml file of the default theme (built from a copy of Olivero). I am using Gin as the admin theme.

    name: PipCoders
    type: theme
    base theme: false
    description: 'A clean, accessible, and flexible Drupal front-end theme.'
    alt text: 'Screenshot of PipCoders, Drupal front-end theme.'
    core_version_requirement: ^10
    version: VERSION
    - pipcoders/global-styling
    - pipcoders/landing_page_layout
    - pipcoders/scroll_mouse
    top: 'Top'
    header: 'Header'
    primary_menu: 'Primary menu'
    secondary_menu: 'Secondary menu'
    hero: 'Hero (full width)'
    highlighted: 'Highlighted'
    breadcrumb: 'Breadcrumb'
    content_above: 'Content Above'
    content: 'Content'
    sidebar: 'Sidebar'
    content_below: 'Content Below'
    footer_top: 'Footer Top'
    footer_bottom: 'Footer Bottom'
    css/system.admin.css: false
    css/components/ajax-progress.module.css: css/components/ajax-progress.module.css
    css/components/autocomplete-loading.module.css: css/components/autocomplete-loading.module.css
    core/drupal.checkbox: false
    misc/dropbutton/dropbutton.css: css/components/dropbutton.css
    misc/vertical-tabs.css: css/components/vertical-tabs.css
    media/oembed.formatter: false
    - pipcoders/drupal.message
    - pipcoders/details
    - pipcoders/drupal.dialog
    - pipcoders/progress
    - pipcoders/drupal.node.preview
    - pipcoders/content_moderation

    - css/base/variables.css
    - css/base/fonts.css
    - css/base/base.css
    - css/ckeditor/embedded-media.css
    - css/custom/google-reviews-hero.css
    - css/custom/home-page.css
    - css/custom/site-colors.css

  • 🇺🇸United States stevieegee

    I also added the ckeditor5-stylesheets: to the info.yml of the core Olivero theme and set that as default. This was an attempt to see if I had messed up something with my customized theme, but still no joy.

  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info almost 2 years ago
  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    On the page where you're expecting css/custom/google-reviews-hero.css to be loaded, can you please evaluate drupalSettings.ajaxPageState.theme in the console? What value does that return?

  • 🇺🇸United States stevieegee

    "theme": "gin",

    Below is the drupalSettings.ajaxPageState output.

        "libraries": "admin_toolbar/toolbar.tree,admin_toolbar/toolbar.tree.hoverintent,admin_toolbar_tools/toolbar.icon,big_pipe/big_pipe,claro/drupal.nav-tabs,claro/global-styling,claro/node-form,contextual/drupal.contextual-links,contextual/drupal.contextual-toolbar,core/drupal.active-link,core/drupal.collapse,core/drupal.entity-form,core/drupal.form,core/drupal.message,core/drupal.states,core/drupal.tableresponsive,core/internal.jquery.form,core/normalize,devel/devel-toolbar,gin/edit_form,gin/gin,gin/gin_accent,gin/gin_base,gin/gin_custom_css,gin/gin_horizontal_toolbar,gin/gin_init,gin/sidebar,gin/sticky,layout_paragraphs/builder,length_indicator/length_indicator,media/filter.caption,media_library/widget,menu_ui/drupal.menu_ui,mercury_editor/me_dialog,mercury_editor/mercury_editor,mercury_editor_iframe/iframe_parent,mercury_editor_style_options/style_options,node/drupal.node,node/form,paragraphs/drupal.paragraphs.unpublished,path/drupal.path,pathauto/widget,pip_custom_blocks/google_reviews_carousel,pip_zigzag/pip_zigzag,pipcoders/landing_page_layout,pipcoders/landing_page_layout_ckeditor,redirect/drupal.redirect.admin,shortcut/drupal.shortcut,system/admin,system/base,token/token,toolbar/toolbar,toolbar/toolbar.escapeAdmin,tour/tour,user/drupal.user.icons",
        "theme": "gin",
        "theme_token": "X5y22J_F2wkTcicm3_xth9hMOxd2kst3OvobpkwSJGE"
  • 🇺🇸United States RSNoon

    Having the same issue here, using a Claro for the administration theme, with a custom front-end theme:

    Custom theme info.yml:

    name: Custom Theme
    description: Custom Drupal theme that utilizes Tailwind CSS.
    type: theme
    core_version_requirement: ^9 || ^10
    base theme: false
    screenshot: screenshot.png
        theme: theme/templates
        svgs: theme/assets/media/svgs
      - fire/styles
      - fire/scripts
      - dist/ck.css
      search: 'Search'
      breadcrumb: 'Breadcrumb'
      content: 'Main Content'
      call_to_action: 'Call to Action'

    Output of drupalSettings.ajaxPageState.theme when trying to add or edit a piece of content:

    "theme": "claro"

    Output of drupalSettings.ajaxPageState on the same page:

    Object { libraries: "acquia_connector/acquia_connector.icons,admin_toolbar/toolbar.tree,admin_toolbar/toolbar.tree.hoverintent,admin_toolbar_tools/toolbar.icon,big_pipe/big_pipe,ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5,ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.codeBlock,ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.emphasis,ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.htmlEngine,ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.media,ckeditor5/internal.drupal.ckeditor5.mediaAlign,claro/drupal.nav-tabs,claro/global-styling,claro/node-form,core/ckeditor5.alignment,core/ckeditor5.basic,core/ckeditor5.blockquote,core/ckeditor5.essentials,core/ckeditor5.htmlSupport,core/ckeditor5.link,core/ckeditor5.list,core/ckeditor5.pasteFromOffice,core/ckeditor5.removeFormat,core/ckeditor5.sourceEditing,core/ckeditor5.style,core/ckeditor5.table,core/drupal.active-link,core/drupal.autocomplete,core/drupal.collapse,core/drupal.dropbutton,core/drupal.entity-form,core/drupal.form,core/drupal.states,core/drupal.tabledrag,core/drupal.tableresponsive,core/internal.jquery.form,core/normalize,devel/devel-toolbar,editor/drupal.editor,editor/drupal.editor.dialog,field_group/core,field_group/element.horizontal_tabs,field_group/formatter.details,field_group/formatter.html_element,field_group/formatter.tabs,filter/drupal.filter,fire_admin/fire-admin-toolbar-icon,fire_admin_toggle/fire-admin-toggle,media_library/widget,menu_ui/drupal.menu_ui,miniorange_saml/miniorange_saml.admin,node/drupal.node,node/form,paragraphs/drupal.paragraphs.actions,paragraphs/drupal.paragraphs.admin,paragraphs/drupal.paragraphs.widget,path/drupal.path,pathauto/widget,pfw_user/pfw-user-menu-icon,redirect/drupal.redirect.admin,scheduler/vertical-tabs,shortcut/drupal.shortcut,system/admin,system/base,token/token,toolbar/toolbar,toolbar/toolbar.escapeAdmin,tour/tour,user/drupal.user.icons", theme: "claro", theme_token: "Vt00801q96CIMGitYnSOYh-PsauyPc947Tvz8pMPW1s" }
  • Are there any updates on this issue?
    I am having the same problem.

  • 🇺🇸United States chrisgross

    I am running into a similar issue on 9.5.11. I am getting my admin theme's CSS in CKE, which I do not want, and it seems that the intended way to disable this is to add the following to your admin theme's info.yml file:

    ckeditor5-stylesheets: false

    This does not work for me. When I go into ckeditor5.module and debug _ckeditor5_theme_css() to figure out why this is happening, it looks like the 'stable' theme is being injected into the $info variable, which per the code should only happen if the $theme variable is not set. I am not finding any documentation about this, but there should definitely be away to easily disable admin theme CSS within the editor

  • Status changed to Active over 1 year ago
  • 🇦🇺Australia hitesh.koli Melbourne

    I am having the same issue using Claro as base theme for the administration with a custom theme.

  • 🇺🇸United States chrisgross

    I'd say the implementation of ckeditor5-related stylesheets is a major issue right now. On top of not working at all for some people, we are also dealing with admin theme styles leaking into the editor when the are unwanted, as well as front-end theme styles leaking onto the admin pages when we only want it in the editor. If this is a natural consequence of doing away with iframes, is there a way to solve these issues so this all works the way it did before ckeditor5? If not, that is a major problem.

  • 🇺🇸United States chrisgross

    Also, the version was recently changed to 11.x, but this seems to be affecting 9 and 10 as well, basically anything using ckeditor5.

  • 🇳🇿New Zealand john pitcairn

    Yup but any fix will be against 11.x then backported, right?

    I've definitely noticed Claro blockquote styling leaks into the editor. Annoying.

  • 🇫🇷France Flodevelop

    It is possible to load the css with a hook :

     * Implements hook_library_info_alter().
    function mymodule_library_info_alter(array &$libraries, $extension) {
      if ($extension === 'ckeditor5' && isset($libraries['internal.drupal.ckeditor5'])) {
        $libraries['internal.drupal.ckeditor5']['dependencies'][] = 'mymodule/ckeditor5_stylesheets';
  • 🇺🇸United States chrisgross

    This change record was helpful in getting the in-editor themes mostly worked out, particularly the second row in the table, but requires some trial and error, depending on your theme and design system. This has allowed me to work out most of my issues with getting the front-end styles into the editor. The key for me was creating a separate scss file for ckeditor and telling my gulpfile that I now have two main sources. I don't love that this seems to effectively double to size of my CSS assets, but in theory only one set is loaded at a time if you are using a separate admin theme.

    The problem still remains that some admin theme styles still appear within the editor. I've found that across themes, button styles are the most problematic, as they always seem to override my front-end styles. This can be worked around but overriding some button CSS in your front-end theme, and this may work for other elements as well. I still think it's problematic that this is necessary in the first place, but I'm not sure what the solution to that particular problem is.

  • 🇮🇳India ravi kant Jaipur

    I am using libraries-extend and it is working for me.

        - <theme>/<library>
  • 🇨🇦Canada druplr


    1. Did you manage to disable base theme's ckeditor5-stylesheets? I just created an issue for that: Allow overriding/disabling base theme's ckeditor5-stylesheets value Allow overriding/disabling base theme's ckeditor5-stylesheets value Active which also includes a workaround.

    2. You may already know this, just in case you don't: one way to prevent admin theme's CSS in CKEditor5 is to turn off the "Use the administration theme when editing or creating content" option in /admin/appearance. But this doesn't help for when the admin theme is preferred in the edit pages.

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