- Issue created by @Anybody
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
This is a combination of
/** * Recalculate breakpoint_mapping_sizes values. */ function drowl_paragraphs_update_8310(&$sandbox) { $configEditable = \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable('drowl_paragraphs.settings'); $breakpoint_mapping = $configEditable->get('breakpoint_mapping'); $breakpoint_mapping_sizes = \Drupal\drowl_paragraphs\Form\DrowlParagraphsSettingsForm::breakpointMappingToDeviceSizes($breakpoint_mapping); $configEditable->set('breakpoint_mapping_sizes', $breakpoint_mapping_sizes)->save(); return 'Updated breakpoint mapping sizes'; }
breakpoint_group: drowl_base breakpoint_mapping: drowl_base: small: 1x: size_mapping: sm medium: 1x: size_mapping: md large: 1x: size_mapping: lg xlarge: 1x: size_mapping: lg xxlarge: 1x: size_mapping: lg
breakpoint_group: drowl_base
drowl_base:Which means this is a hard coded dependency on the breakpoint mapping from drowl_base.
Without that it won't work. We can just skip the step, if it does not exist.We decided to do this in former times, because we can't cleanly rely on breakpoints to exist.
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Postponed
11 months ago 5:53am 25 April 2024 - 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
I don't think this is worth fixing any more with drowl_paragraphs_bs but let's keep this postponed for visibility reasons, if we should run into this again.