Unfortuanately, weights are integers so there is no way to programatically insert a menu item between to other menu items that either have the same weight or a weight that only differs by 1. (This is why the Dewey decimal system was invented)
So it would be nice to point a method at a menu, that preserves all the order and hierarchy of the menu but makes sure that all weights on adjacent menu items differ by at least 2, so that a followup insertion can be certain of where it will be placed.
Example: In the menu below, where the letters represent a menu item id and the number is the weight, it is impossible to place a new menu item between `Aa:0` and `Ab:0` and be certain it does not end up above or below them both.
- A:-5
-- Aa:0
-- Ab:0
-- Ac:1
- B:-5
-- Ba:-12
-- Bb:0
-- Bc:48
- C:-4
- D:0
- E:0
- F:13
It would be nice to run a process on a menu tree that re-weights them and creates space between them. After the process the menu would look like
- A:0
-- Aa:0
-- Ab:5
-- Ac:10
- B:5
-- Ba:0
-- Bb:5
-- Bc:10
- C:10
- D:15
- E:20
- F:25
Spacing them 5 apart leaves gap to add items with certainty where it is landing.
Each parent branch could be handled by using the same function with recursion.