- Issue created by @thejimbirch
- πΊπΈUnited States thejimbirch Cape Cod, Massachusetts
If I put an e2e_examples folder in shrubs, I it will be in the shrubs folder in the support folder.
Is that weird? (maybe)
Will that break anything? (I don't think so as support commands don't run unless they're called.)
- πΊπΈUnited States thejimbirch Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Some examples I am thinking of are the tests I've created for our recipes and Sitewide Alerts:
import {randNumber} from "@ngneat/falso"; describe('Check Drupal sitewide alerts.', () => { it('Input a new sitewide alert test.', () => { cy.login() cy.visit('/admin/content/sitewide_alert/add') // Set the alert title (text field). const alertName = 'Alert Title ' + randNumber() cy.get('#edit-name-0-value').clear().type(alertName) // Set the Alert type (select field). const alertStyle = 'Critical' cy.get('#edit-style').select(alertStyle) // Set the Alert message (wysiwyg field). const alertBannerMessage = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.' cy.ckeditorType('#edit-field-alert-banner-message-wrapper', alertBannerMessage).wait(500) // Save the new alert node. cy.get('#edit-submit').click() // Validation. // Check landing page node cy.wait(1000) // wait for the UI to catch up. // Verify new Alert is in the admin UI list of Alerts and click to edit. cy.get('a').contains(alertName).click() // Verify alert title. cy.get('#edit-name-0-value').should('have.value', alertName) // Verify alert style. cy.get('#edit-style').find(':selected').contains(alertStyle) // @TODO Verify alert message. // cy.get('.form-item--field-alert-banner-message-0-value .ck-editor__editable_inline p').should('have.value', alertBannerMessage) // Verify the alert is Active. cy.get('#edit-status-value').should('be.checked') }) })