- Issue created by @anrikun
- Status changed to Closed: works as designed
about 1 year ago 3:42pm 27 November 2023
Documentation at https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/theming/creating-a-sub-theme → states that:
All style sheets defined in the parent theme will be inherited.
Overriding inherited style sheets: Specify a style sheet with the same filename in the sub-theme. For instance, to override style.css inherited from a parent theme, add the following line to your sub-theme's .info file:
stylesheets[all][] = style.css
You will also need to create the style.css stylesheet file; if you simply wish to disable the imported styles, you can create an empty file.
The part in bold is not true. For some strange reason, base theme's css file takes precedence over subtheme's css file.
Create a base theme with a file mycss.css
Create a subtheme with a file mycss.css
You should notice that base theme's file is picked up instead of subtheme's one.
Fix the bug either in code or in documentation.
Closed: works as designed
7.0 ⚰️
Last updated