- Issue created by @brentg
- 🇧🇷Brazil webfordreams
Will be picked up in https://www.drupal.org/project/dropsolid_rocketship/issues/3446199 →
- Status changed to Closed: duplicate
10 months ago 8:07am 14 May 2024
Currently the patches are labeled as following: "issue#: description": "link to patch",
Better is to include a link to drupal.org to this, e.g.:
"https://drupal.org/i/<issue_id> - <issue title>": "<local patch file (or d.o patch file)>"
Add https://drupal.org/i/ before the issue numers and replace the : with a - for increased readibility
At Dropsolid we also have the following agreement:
Patches are placed in the composer.json file, not in a separate file.
This is also incorrect
Closed: duplicate
Will be picked up in https://www.drupal.org/project/dropsolid_rocketship/issues/3446199 →