Date is Offset by One Day

Created on 20 October 2023, 8 months ago
Updated 29 December 2023, 6 months ago
πŸ› Bug report






Created by

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada ciesinsg

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  • Issue created by @ciesinsg
  • Thank you for reporting this issue.

    It does look like a bug, please forgive the inconvenience.

    Can you please explain your content structure?

    I understand you have a node:event with two date fields (field_start_date and field_end_date) accepting date and time.

  • πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada sdsheridan Toronto

    Sorry, realised this had been open too late. Please seee πŸ› Date range - offset one day Needs review . Solution is there.

  • πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada ciesinsg

    @matthieuscarset the content structure is pretty big unfortunately as the company needs to collect a lot of info in this form. It is essentially a node: event, two date fields, four separate taxonomy fields, three string lists, three integer lists, and maybe a dozen Text (plain long) fields. The only custom type I am using is a fieldset that groups the types visually for the form, and the rest are core types.

    @sdsheridan thanks for reopening that issue. I don't see any solution though, it just looks like you found the source of the bug and the issue has been reopened to resolve it. I am not in a rush so I will keep an eye out on it to see if it is updated soon.

  • Status changed to Needs review 7 months ago
  • I think this issue is a duplicate or at least related to this other one πŸ› Date range - offset one day Needs review .

    There is a new release 2.1.7 which should fix the situation.

    Please review/test and let me know!

  • Status changed to Fixed 7 months ago
  • πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺBelgium pmichelazzo Brussels

    Hello matthieu,

    Unfortunately the 2.17 version didn't fix the issue. I still have the same problem.

    My scenario:
    Default country: Brazil
    Default Time Zone: SΓ£o Paulo (America/SΓ£o Paulo)

    In the view:
    Date field: Basic date field (only date - no end date)

    Time zone override = SΓ£o Paulo (just to be clear that it's getting the right timezone)

    Results - one day back.

    Attached, some screenshots to help with the issue.

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

  • Status changed to Fixed 6 months ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States smillerLA

    I'm experiencing a similar issue with version 2.1.7.

    My server is set to UTC. I'm using Smart Date for dates stored with Los Angeles timezone. The calendar view is also set to Los Angeles.

    If I set the Drupal timezone to UTC, then the calendar displays correctly. But if I set the Drupal timezone to Los Angeles, then the date is offset 8 hours (difference from UTC).

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