- Issue created by @trewos
- πΊπ¦Ukraine bohart Lutsk, Ukraine
There is no feasible plan or timeline to proceed with Drupal 10 migration of this module.
In addition, 2 of 3 current maintainers joined the defense forces of Ukraine to fight for their freedom and for the safety of Europe.So, merge requests from the community for this module to support Drupal 10 will be gratefully welcomed.
All of them will be carefully reviewed/merged and a new module version will be released (if/once it is ready).Looking forward,
Bohdan It would be cool if this module worked on Drupal 10.
Maybe someone has already tried to update it and has some ideas.We are also interested in developing this module. But if anyone knows of alternative modules compatible with Drupal 10, it would be greatly appreciated
- πΊπ¦Ukraine trewos
Good afternoon, community. I managed to update the module to Drupal 10. Could you please marge my request?
My gitHub: https://github.com/TarasShyshko/LiqPay
bohart β
committed 1fbc6141 on 1.2.x
Issue #3392201 by trewos, bohart: Prepare Drupal 10 compatible release.
bohart β
committed 1fbc6141 on 1.2.x
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 12:16pm 11 October 2023 - πΊπ¦Ukraine bohart Lutsk, Ukraine
Hello @trewos,
A few quick comments:
1) Since 7th of June, 2023, Drupal.org enabled GitLab CI for testing purposes. GitLab CI is now preferred over DrupalCI for testing.
GitLab CI doesn't support testing with .patch files. The best way is to create a new fork and merge requests from it.
See: https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/git/using-gitlab-to-contribute-to-dr... β2) As some contrib modules and maintainers still accept .patch files, please stay attention to:
your patch doesn't apply; you didn't use dev version of the module or git cloned version (which is a must).For example, this change is already committed to the dev version of the module:
- $this->messenger->addMessage($data['message']);
+ $this->messenger()->addMessage($data['message'] ?? '');3) Also, please pay attention to Patch naming conventions: https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/git/using-git-to-contribute-to-drupa... β
4) There is no need to keep the obsoleted "core" value in the info file anymore (only `core_version_requirement` is needed now, since Drupal 8.7.7).
See: https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/creating-modules/let-drupal-know-abo... βThe needed changes to support Drupal 10 are committed to a brand new 2.0.x version of the module (a new beta release will be released later today).
If there is something else needed to stable work with Drupal 10 version, please create a new issue with a merge request on it.Hopefully, these links and comments help you with your further contribution to Drupal.
Thanks! - πΊπ¦Ukraine bohart Lutsk, Ukraine
Here is a short list of changes required to have a final Drupal 10 release:
- replace hook_menu with routing.yml;
- review all other hooks in .module file;
- replace outdated commerce functions and constants (like commerce_i18n_string, COMMERCE_PAYMENT_STATUS_SUCCESS); Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.