- Issue created by @dgroene
- @dgroene opened merge request.
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 3:26pm 2 October 2023
BBF does not work with user-generated "content blocks"
- In a vanilla Drupal 9 or 10 installation, add a custom block/content block of any type.
- Add a boolean field to a content type.
- In manage display, select the "boolean block formatter" as the Formatter and set the block to be used as the one created above. Make sure the field is in a visible region in the manage display page
- For a node of the given content type, check the boolean field created above as "yes," and view the page
Expected Behavior: The block is displayed
Actual Behavior: The block is not displayed
Change the method of fetching the block for rendering. We are storing the plugin ID in configuration, so we should use the EntityTypeManager LoadByProperties to fetch the block with the given plugin ID.
Needs review