Remove/segment duplicate test coverage from ManageFieldsUiTest

Created on 29 September 2023, 12 months ago
Updated 5 October 2023, 12 months ago


ManageFieldsUiTest was added in 2009(!) it has not dramatically changed.

Since it was added, we added FieldUiDeleteTest in 2015 in #2575605: Field delete form does not display configuration dependencies that will be updated/deleted which has comprehensive coverage for field deletion, and also doesn't depend on taxonomy or node modules.

We have tests for multiple entity types in ManageFieldsUiMultipleTypes test which does include taxonomy, but not deletion.

I don't think we need to test the generic field deletion with field_ui_test module, node, and taxonomy modules separately, just the test entity type should be fine, all the logic is the same regardless of entity type.

Also testCrudFields() is mostly duplicated by the much more modern ManageFieldsTest - splitting that out, but we should then try to check coverage between the two and leave only ManageFieldsTest afterwards (in a follow-up).

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

Remove the two test methods from ManageFieldsUiTest and leave the more comprehensive coverage in FieldUiDeleteTest.

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11.0 🔥


Last updated about 1 hour ago

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