- Issue created by @alumni
- π«π·France alumni
Edit : Have prefix and suffix in the build render array generate an error too.
- π¬π§United Kingdom catch
The actual render array adding the lazy builder might help here. Impossible to see what the issue is with the current code examples.
- π«π·France alumni
I need to precise that I have no problem with my others Lazy Builder.
public static function trustedCallbacks() { return ['LoadData']; } public function LoadData($var) { $data = $this->dataTakeTime(); $my_js_var = $data['specific_data']; $build = ['#theme' => 'custom_template', '#data' => $data]; $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'my_module/my_library'; $build['#attached']['drupalSettings']['myJsVar'] = $my_js_var; return $build; } //Partie DVF $variables['dvf'] = [ '#create_placeholder' => TRUE, '#lazy_builder' => [ Dvf::class.':LoadData', [$points[0]['lat'], $points[0]['lon']], ], ];