Service Worker preparation method uses comments to replace code

Created on 13 September 2023, 10 months ago


Inside the PWAController's "serviceWorkerRegistration()" method, the serviceworker.js gets populated with drupal data. Some of the logic on how the js gets populated is a bit flawed. Especially line 275, where data gets injected based on comments in code:

    $replace = [
      '[/*cacheUrls*/]' => Json::encode($cacheWhitelist),
      '[/*activeLanguages*/]' => Json::encode(array_keys($languages)),
      '[/*exclude_cache_url*/]' => Json::encode($exclude_cache_url),
      "'/offline'/*offlinePage*/" => "'" . $config->get('offline_page') . "'",
      '[/*modulePath*/]' => '/' . $this->moduleHandler->getModule('pwa')->getPath(),
      '1/*cacheVersion*/' => '\'' . $this->getCacheVersion() . '\'',
      'false/*pwaSkipWaiting*/' => $skip_waiting,

And one example from the javascript, where the data gets injected:

// Active languages on the site.
const ACTIVE_LANGUAGES = [/*activeLanguages*/];

This feels off. Shouldn't this be possible through simply adding these variables through the drupal settings js API? Couldn't we simply inject this data through the "pwa_page_attachments()" method, similiar to how the "scope" is passed to the "serviceworker-load.js"? Or is this NOT possible because of basically copying the "serviceworker.js" or other general serviceworker cache flaws?

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πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany Grevil

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