- Issue created by @hcanning
One possible solution for this would be to use template_preprocess_field https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21includes%21theme.inc/function/t...
You can get the field´s parent entity and grab values from there and hand it over to your template and use them there.
- 🇺🇸United States hcanning
Ok thanks. Is there any really good beginner reference/tutorial/resource on Drupal 9 preprocess functions with full examples etc.... Learning Drupal 9 at the moment. Finding some on forums.
- 🇮🇳India muskan-gwala
you can use some of reference Learning Drupal 9:
Drupal.org Community: Drupal.org's forums, community-contributed documentation, and issue queues can be a valuable resource. Users often share their own experiences and solutions. Explore the Drupal community at Drupal.org Community.
Drupalize.Me: Drupalize.Me is a subscription-based resource with high-quality Drupal tutorials. They often provide in-depth tutorials for various Drupal topics, including theming. While it's not free, it might be worth considering if you're looking for comprehensive, up-to-date content.
YouTube: There are many Drupal tutorial channels on YouTube. like
1. LevelUpTuts
2. OSTraining
3.Code Karate
4. WebWash