Translation Save as Draft then other translated status revert to publish (Content Moderation Issue)

Created on 4 September 2023, about 1 year ago

If translated content save as draft then other translated content status updated to published

Steps to reproduce

1] Create any content (Node) with two or more translations, In my case created a english (original) node and added 3 translations for the node i.e fr (French), sp (Spanish) and zh-hans (Chinese) as published.
2] Edit translation french and save as Draft,
3] Edit translation Spanish and save as Draft and please check the status of french translation that is changed/ reverted to published.

In a attached screenshot, edited french translation and save as status draft and status of other draft translation changes to publish which is not correct,


Drupal Core: 10

🐛 Bug report




Created by

🇮🇳India chandravilas Pune

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