- Issue created by @Grimreaper
- 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris
Following 🌱 [meta] Move libraries links under appearance Fixed , if we change here we change everywhere
For example (just a proposal, let's discuss):
Appearance >> UI Libraries >>>> Components : from /patterns to /ui/components >>>> Styles : from/styles to /ui/styles >>>> Examples: from /examples to /ui/examples
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
In this case let's use:
/ui_suite/examplesTo avoid any potential other namespace conflict.
- 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris
Not confortable for mentioning UI Suite and having an underscore in URL.
we also need a redirect for each, to not break the links
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
having an underscore in URL.
Ok to change with hyphen.
we also need a redirect for each, to not break the links
I do not understand why we would need redirect? Which links?
- 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris
Styleguide → module is exposing its page under /admin/appearance/
styleguide.page: path: /admin/appearance/styleguide defaults: _controller: Drupal\styleguide\Controller\StyleguideController::page _title: 'Style guide' requirements: _permission: 'view style guides' options: _admin_route: FALSE
Source: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/styleguide/-/blob/2.x/styleguide.rout...
So, what about this?
Appearance >> UI Libraries >>>> Components : from /patterns to /admin/appearance/components >>>> Styles : from/styles to /admin/appearance/styles >>>> Examples: from /examples to /admin/appearance/examples
or something like that
- Assigned to pdureau
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
Ok, with the last proposal.
Currently we have admin/appearance/ui-libraries as a common page in the ecosystem.
So should we go for:
Appearance >> UI Libraries : /admin/appearance/ui-libraries >>>> Components : from /patterns to /admin/appearance/ui-libraries/components >>>> Styles : from/styles to /admin/appearance/ui-libraries/styles >>>> Examples: from /examples to /admin/appearance/ui-libraries/examples >>>> Icons: from /examples to /admin/appearance/ui-libraries/icons
It may affect the breadcrumb of the pages.
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
Discussed with @pdureau,
Appearance >> UI Libraries : /admin/appearance/ui >>>> Components : from /patterns to /admin/appearance/ui/components >>>> Styles : from/styles to /admin/appearance/ui/styles >>>> Examples: from /examples to /admin/appearance/ui/examples >>>> Icons: from /examples to /admin/appearance/ui/icons
Keep current URLs for the moment, but change controllers to redirect to new route. And remove controller in next major version.
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
I have tested, the breadcrumb is impacted, but only if the user has access to the intermediary admin pages.
- @grimreaper opened merge request.
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
MR ready.
Preparing other MRs on the ecosystem to synchronize merge.
grimreaper →
committed 5ce6bb2f on 1.x
Issue #3384343 by grimreaper, pdureau: UI Examples: change libraries...
grimreaper →
committed 5ce6bb2f on 1.x
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Fixed
3 months ago 8:39am 31 October 2024 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.