- Issue created by @3li
- last update
over 1 year ago 71 pass, 2 fail - Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 1:14pm 30 August 2023 FYI: The patch does not work for the recent stable release of Gin (v3).
When using the Gin theme the dropdown submit button does not show up.
Use this module along side the Gin Admin Theme →
A small patch inside the module to check where to put the buttons, there is also another solution which could work of maybe changing the weight order of this module.
I did also find that this issue was raised on the Gin Admin theme but apparently was solved?
[Workbench Moderation] Submit Button Disappeared, Create New Revision Checkbox Disabled, and Only Preview Button Appears after Applying Drupal GIN Theme
Closed: works as designed
FYI: The patch does not work for the recent stable release of Gin (v3).