- Issue created by @lrwebks
- Assigned to Anybody
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Absolutely! @thomas.frobieter and me should discuss what kind of component is the best here for UX and proceed then.
I think an autocomplete might be a nice idea! (But we need to keep i18n in mind)I think there are tutorials and Drupal helpers for such kind of autocompletes. Another alternative would be an input with a data-list containing all existing values. Let's take a look at the Drupal Form API what's best and most easy.
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
If we'd like to use datalist instead of an AJAX call, see ✨ Allow FAPI usage of the datalist element Active
There are some clear pro's and con's with AJAX vs. datalist, especially regarding performance and many entries.
As I think we'll never have too many entries, datalist might be easier here.We need to keep in mind, that still the Markdown one's need to fit into the concept. And not to over-engineer it.
- Issue was unassigned.