- Issue created by @qsurti
I realize you posted this just minutes ago. But, what is this issue about?
I have latest Drupal 10 on my localhost as well as on my website. I have webform module on both. However, I am receiving the following message repeatedly, while I am working of webforms.
The 'File' element is unavailable because a private files directory has not been configured and public file uploads have not been enabled. For more information see: DRUPAL-PSA-2016-003 →
May be this is not an issue. In that case the warning sign needs to be removed. Otherwise, the issue needs to be resolved.- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
over 1 year ago 8:23pm 29 August 2023 Webform does not allow file fields without Drupal's private file system configure. What are you asking to have done here?
This is probably only a duplicate of 💬 image file element not getting added in webform Closed: works as designed .
I am getting the warning message as earlier mentioned. Both links in the message provide solutions to Drupal 8 related version. They are not applicable to Drupal 10. How do I resolve the issue pointed in the warning?
The same way. The information in those links is accurate. I hope this helps.
I would not have come here if I had not tried all the solutions mentioned there. With due apologies.The private file system is a Drupal Core feature. Information provided in the message from this module is there to steer readers to resources. I affirm the information linked is correct.
As this is the Webform issue queue we cannot provide support here about a fundamental Core feature. I suggest you look for support in the #support channel of Drupal’s Slack workspace. That is the best place for a gratis interview-style support experience.
Alternatively you could ask a question at https://drupal.stackexchange.com, but be aware that on that site “it doesn’t work” doesn’t constitute an answerable question—you will have to explain in a certain level of technical detail everything you have tried.
And one more thing: if you do not intend to use file fields with Webform, you may ignore the message.
Thank you for your time. Let me check it out in a way you mentioned.
- Status changed to Closed: works as designed
over 1 year ago 10:58am 30 August 2023