- Issue created by @ricovandevin
- @ricovandevin opened merge request.
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 3:12pm 18 August 2023 - 🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin
With the example
query: search: listings: arguments: locale: nl_BE metadata: size: 400 publication: changedDateFrom: '2023-08-12T00:00:00.000Z' fields: - listings: - id - details: - vehicle: - classification: - make: - formatted - model: - formatted - modelVersionInput - numberOfDoors
the command
drush migrate:fields-source
will return-------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Field name Description -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- id id details details details/vehicle vehicle details/vehicle/classification classification details/vehicle/classification/make make details/vehicle/classification/make/formatted formatted details/vehicle/classification/model model details/vehicle/classification/model/formatted formatted details/vehicle/classification/modelVersionInput modelVersionInput details/vehicle/numberOfDoors numberOfDoors -------------------------------------------------- -------------------
after this MR.
- 🇮🇹Italy reinchek Napoli 🌋, 🇮🇹
Hi @ricovandevin, thanks!
I reviewed and locally tested your MR. It works well!
I would like to take advantage of this upcoming release to also add some module's tests. At least the kernel-type one; If I have the time, however, I implement unit ones as well.I try to do this tomorrow.
If I find that I cannot do this I will proceed with the merge of your MR.Thanks ;)
- 🇮🇹Italy reinchek Napoli 🌋, 🇮🇹
Hi @ricovandevin, i've merged your MR inside a new @dev branch (you can found it there).
Just to avoid to create too much minimum module's versions.
So, in this way we can collect more features in a single release :)Thanks again. I'm extending your data_key PROPERTY_SEPARATOR logic introducing "%" (ex: `data_key: data/%/user` ) symbol that means: maps all data array's values getting for each the user object. For easy understanding, the code:
const DATA_KEY_INDEXES = '%'; // ... // ... $getIndexes = false; foreach ($propertyPath as $path) { if ($path === self::DATA_KEY_INDEXES) { $getIndexes = true; continue; // goto the next path item, with $getIndexes eq true. } if ($getIndexes) { $results = array_map(function ($item) use ($path) { return $item->{$path}; }, array_values($results)); $getIndexes = false; } else { $results = $results->{$path} ?? []; } }
so if we has a response from graphql server like this:
$data => array ( 0 => (object) array( 'user' => (object) array( 'id' => '6', 'username' => 'Leopoldo_Corkery', 'name' => 'Mrs. Dennis Schulist', 'email' => 'Karley_Dach@jasper.info', ), ), );
The results will be remapped as:
$results => array ( 0 => (object) array( 'id' => '6', 'username' => 'Leopoldo_Corkery', 'name' => 'Mrs. Dennis Schulist', 'email' => 'Karley_Dach@jasper.info', ), )
This could provide more flexibility to the module.
What do you think about?
Soon i will push the code in a new MR. - Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 2:51pm 19 August 2023 - Status changed to RTBC
over 1 year ago 3:05pm 19 August 2023 - 🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin
@reinchek Your suggestion for introducing "%" looks great. I will test it as soon as I have some spare time!
- 🇮🇹Italy reinchek Napoli 🌋, 🇮🇹
@ricovandevin, thanks!
You can find all in this MR:
- https://git.drupalcode.org/project/migrate_source_graphql/-/merge_requests/10The MR was created on top of current (2.x) dev branch. Inside you can find:
- possibility to use the '%' placeholder to get all array's items
- migrate_source_graphql_test sub-module which setup some Kernel tests (runs some basic migration cases): needs work.Thanks again
reinchek →
committed eea5107b on 2.x
#3381942 - Make fields() method work with nested fields
reinchek →
committed eea5107b on 2.x
- 🇮🇹Italy reinchek Napoli 🌋, 🇮🇹
i've merged https://git.drupalcode.org/project/migrate_source_graphql/-/merge_reques... inside 2.x (dev) branch.
Now, dev also contains the following features:
- possibility to use the '%' placeholder to get all array's items
- migrate_source_graphql_test sub-module which setup some Kernel tests (runs some basic migration cases): needs work.Thanks.
- Status changed to Fixed
10 months ago 3:53pm 13 May 2024 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.