Request for 'confirmed' user role

Created on 9 August 2023, 11 months ago
Updated 25 August 2023, 10 months ago

Hi all! Just starting to immerse myself in the Drupal community and followed the link + docs to end up here.

I don't have any content (yet) but our company HeroDevs has several team members getting active in the Drupal community, so I figured I'd open the ticket as I'll be coming up to speed over the next several months.

I'm not concerned with the rate limits (again, yet) but I'm also not a spambot, so I figure my chances are at least moderate :)

Regardless the resolution, happy to be here and engage with the community!

📌 Task

Closed: won't fix


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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @dwelch2344
  • 🇺🇸United States volkswagenchick San Francisco Bay Area

    A very warm welcome to the Drupal community!

    Here is a list of resources to help you on your contribution journey, thanks!
    Issue Queue Etiquette →
    Contributor tasks →
    Adding tags to issues and using tags →

    Again, welcome to the community!

  • 🇮🇹Italy apaderno Brescia, 🇮🇹

    @volkswagenchick Did you mean to confirm the account? Because it still needs to be confirmed.

  • Status changed to Postponed 11 months ago
  • 🇳🇴Norway gisle Norway

    @volkswagenchick Did you mean to confirm the account? Because it still needs to be confirmed.

    There is no content to review. Usually we don't confirm users who have not posted any content.

    Here's my guidance to this user:

    The 'confirmed' role is for users that contribute to this website. Examples are: Do a contributor task, help, out in issue queues by fixing issues, or provide support via text forums.

    It is OK to to use the website without contributing (for example to download Drupal and contributed extensions, or just to learn about Drupal). But since non-contributing users have no need to have the 'confirmed' role, they will not get it until they contribute. If they start contributing, they will usually get it without having to ask for it.

    In this case, you've not contributed any content except this post, so there is no content to review. Postponing for now, after you have posted some content on you may want to add a comment to this issue to request a new review. Please visit the Become a confirmed user → page for information.

  • Status changed to Closed: won't fix 10 months ago
  • 🇳🇴Norway gisle Norway

    As described on the page Become a confirmed user → :

    If there's still no new content, the issue will be closed and the role denied.

    There still are no (0) posts except this one associated with this account, so there is nothing to review. I am closing this request for now. After you have posted some content on you may want to add a comment to this issue to request a new review.

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