- Issue created by @Kristen Pol
- πΊπΈUnited States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Here are the purge drush commands. The most relevant to this issue is:
p:queue-empty (pqe)
p: p:debug-dis (pddis) Disable debugging for all of Purge's log channels. p:debug-en (pden) Enable debugging for all of Purge's log channels. p:diagnostics (pdia) Generate a diagnostic self-service report. p:invalidate (pinv) Directly invalidate an item without going through the queue. p:processor-add (pradd) Add a new processor. p:processor-ls (prls) List all enabled processors. p:processor-lsa (prlsa) List available processor plugin IDs that can be added. p:processor-rm (prrm) Remove a processor. p:purger-add (ppadd) Create a new purger instance. p:purger-ls (ppls) List all configured purgers in order of execution. p:purger-lsa (pplsa) List available plugin IDs for which purgers can be added. p:purger-mvd (ppmvd) Move the given purger DOWN in the execution order. p:purger-mvu (ppmvu) Move the given purger UP in the execution order. p:purger-rm (pprm) Remove a purger instance. p:queue-add (pqa) Add one or more items to the queue for later processing. p:queue-browse (pqb) Inspect what is in the queue by paging through it. p:queue-empty (pqe) Empty the entire queue. p:queue-stats (pqs) Retrieve the queue statistics. p:queue-volume (pqv) Count how many items are currently in the queue. p:queue-work (pqw) Process one or more chunks of items from the queue. p:queuer-add (puadd) Add a new queuer. p:queuer-ls (puls) List all enabled queuers. p:queuer-lsa (pulsa) List available queuer plugin IDs that can be added. p:queuer-rm (purm) Remove a queuer. p:types (ptyp) List all supported cache invalidation types.
- πΊπΈUnited States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA
See parent issue for some potential drush commands:
https://www.drupal.org/project/quantcdn/issues/3378059#comment-15407698 π META: Improve quant_purger UX Active
Bumping to normal as this makes things harder for people.