Select multiple countries

Created on 26 July 2023, 11 months ago
Updated 9 August 2023, 11 months ago


We're in England. United Kingdom. +44-land.
We have a website. They cater to the whole of Britain, including some smaller landmasses that apparently do not count as "british", despite having the same dialling code.
Because the country select widget is a single select dropdown, we cannot, despite our need to, select all the "countries" with the +44 dialling code - namely, GB, GG (Guernsey), JY (Jersey) and IM (Isle of Man) - we need to be able to accept numbers from any of these places, so a multiselect makes sense here for this use case.
We would like to change this, and also ask what the potential repercussions are and why this is omitted. As an alternate example in this case, there's plenty of things that say "ships only to North America" (shipping not phoning, but YKWIM) which most of the time counts not only US but also CA - so why is this kind of situation completely not catered for? I'm very curious.

Steps to reproduce


Proposed resolution


Remaining tasks

Add widget selector
Change code to cater for multiple countries

User interface changes

[Widget based selection between current setup and] alternate multi-select element

API changes

Appears to be none.

Data model changes

Appears to be none.

✨ Feature request





User interface

Created by

🇬🇧United Kingdom NikLP

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @NikLP
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom NikLP
  • 🇮🇳India sarwan

    I have fixed this issues

  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed 11 months ago
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom NikLP

    Closing with a grovelling apology, because it appears everything is by design. However, during dev the js on our local machines does not correctly activate the ajax callback which transforms the select into a multi - and there were no errors to illustrate this. Similarly, on a separate dev instance on gitpod, the error checking failed to work altogether, which I have no explanation for.

    So as it goes, this works fine. If you need multiple "countries" (this is contentious in my use case) this will in fact work fine, you just have to make sure it isn't something else that's making you look like an a$$! :|

  • Status changed to Active 11 months ago
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom NikLP

    Reopening because on further inspection, if we switch to E164 in order to accommodate multiple countries, we then have to use a different format for the data input, which isn't what we want. All the +44 'countries' have the same format, and we want to input them identically to how they are written locally, i.e. 07777123456.

    Simple fix for this is to allow multiple selections whilst using the National option in the field config. This means changing the multiple to always be true, and less importantly removal of the now-unnecessary ajax callback etc.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom NikLP
  • 🇮🇳India sarwan

    @NikLP, I have created a new patch , please verify the attached patch

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