Upgrade to 2.9 of slick causes navTarget.options is undefined

Created on 24 July 2023, 11 months ago

When doing an upgrade of the slick_views module to 2.7 which forces slick to 2.9 and blazy to 2.16, I'm facing a regression on my slideshows:

Using slick 1.8.1:

Uncaught TypeError: navTarget.options is undefined

Using slick 1.8.0:

Uncaught TypeError: l.options is undefined

Using slick 1.6.0

Uncaught TypeError: j.options is undefined

Is there any config update I should be doing?

💬 Support request






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🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

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  • Issue created by @pcambra
  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info 11 months ago
  • 🇮🇩Indonesia gausarts

    Thank you.

    I did notice it with Slick samples specific for multi-value field last time. But I no longer see it with the latest betas.

    So we can be on the same page:

    1. Is it related to multi-value samples, or other normal carousels?
    2. If using or reproducible with the samples, could you point which one was failing?
    3. Mind clarifying more about your Slick Views config, or any screenshot.

    There were indeed a few regressions I did notice when working with D9.5.10 last time:

    Please also try:

    • re-saving the form, in case the problem was due to the removal of deprecated ID option.
    • the latest blazy:2.17-beta1, slick:2.10-beta1, slick_views:2.8-beta1.

    If the issue persists, kindly provide more details to re-produce it.

  • Status changed to Active 11 months ago
  • 🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

    Thanks for the quick response @gausarts!

    On my view I have the following style config for slick, which I think it only selects the optionset and caption fields:

            type: slick
                field_photo: field_photo
                field_author_name: field_author_name
                field_quote_text: field_quote_text
                id: '0'
                field_slideshow_organization: '0'
              optionset: slideshow
              class: ''
              id: ''
              image: ''
              link: ''
              overlay: ''
              title: ''
              vanilla: false
              layout: ''
              cache: 0
              current_view_mode: quotes
              skin: default
              grid: null
              grid_medium: null
              grid_small: null
                arrows: '0'
                autoplay: '0'
                dots: '0'
                draggable: '0'
                infinite: '0'
                mouseWheel: '0'
                randomize: '0'
                variableWidth: '0'
              thumbnail: ''
              optionset_thumbnail: slideshow
              skin_thumbnail: ''
              thumbnail_caption: ''
              thumbnail_effect: ''
              thumbnail_position: top
              override: false
              preserve_keys: false
              visible_items: null

    The optionset is named 'slideshow':

    id: slideshow
    name: slideshow
    weight: -10
    label: Slideshow
    group: ''
    skin: classic
    breakpoints: 0
    optimized: false
      options__active_tab: edit-options-settings
        mobileFirst: false
        asNavFor: ''
        accessibility: true
        adaptiveHeight: false
        autoplay: false
        pauseOnHover: true
        pauseOnDotsHover: false
        pauseOnFocus: true
        autoplaySpeed: 3000
        arrows: true
        prevArrow: Previous
        nextArrow: Next
        downArrow: false
        downArrowTarget: ''
        downArrowOffset: 0
        centerMode: true
        centerPadding: 50px
        dots: false
        dotsClass: slick-dots
        appendDots: $(element)
        draggable: false
        fade: true
        focusOnSelect: false
        infinite: false
        initialSlide: 0
        lazyLoad: ''
        mouseWheel: false
        randomize: false
        respondTo: window
        rtl: false
        rows: 1
        slidesPerRow: 1
        slide: ''
        slidesToShow: 1
        slidesToScroll: 1
        speed: 500
        swipe: false
        swipeToSlide: false
        edgeFriction: 0.35
        touchMove: false
        touchThreshold: 5
        useCSS: true
        cssEase: ease
        cssEaseBezier: ''
        cssEaseOverride: ''
        useTransform: true
        easing: linear
        variableWidth: false
        vertical: false
        verticalSwiping: false
        waitForAnimate: true

    I don't have any lightboxes, and have saved the options and the view with no dice.

    I'm updating to beta versions now and reporting back.

  • Status changed to Fixed 11 months ago
  • 🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺


      - Upgrading drupal/blazy (2.16.0 => 2.17.0-beta1)
      - Upgrading drupal/slick (2.7.0 => 2.10.0-beta1): Extracting archive

    This fixes the issue, many thanks!

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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