- Issue created by @rblackmore
The module Entity Queue creates links that use ajax to add and remove nodes from entity queues. https://www.drupal.org/project/entityqueue →
With themes like claro, the links created by Entity Queue look like this:
<a href="/admin/structure/entityqueue/homepage/headline_news/7/remove-item?token=P6WaNEkJ90fJTE7E_LnCixtoXKbOt4_zofObJOsHj5w" class="use-ajax" data-once="ajax">Remove from queue</a>
With Adaptive Theme, at_core_preprocess_links() (located in adaptivetheme\at_core\includes\preprocess.inc) has line 896:
$variables['links'][$key]['link']['#options']['attributes']['class'] = [Html::cleanCssIdentifier($key . '__link')];
This overwrites the "use-ajax" class and breaks the in browser submit functionality.
Change line 896 of preprocess.inc to this:
$variables['links'][$key]['link']['#options']['attributes']['class'][] = Html::cleanCssIdentifier($key . '__link');
This adds the new class as intended and preserves the "use-ajax" class used to trigger an ajax event
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