Plan: Release Varbase 9.0.14

Created on 20 June 2023, about 1 year ago
Updated 24 June 2023, about 1 year ago

Varbase 9.0.14 Release notes

To install the Varbase 9.0.14 version run this command:
     composer create-project Vardot/varbase-project:~9.0 PROJECT_DIR_NAME --no-dev --no-interaction

Varbase documentation

Check out Varbase documentation for more details.

Highlighted important changes since Varbase 9.0.13 :

This is a patch (bugfix) release of Varbase 9 and is ready for use on production sites. Learn more about Varbase 9.
Paving the way for a smoother upgrade process to Drupal 10

Added since Varbase 9.0.13 :

No addition. All new additions will be in Varbase ~10.0

  • Issue #3368719 : Added Resource Description Framework (RDF) module with ~2.0 as the replacement of core's RDF in Varbase SEO 9.0.x branch to allow for a smooth upgrade process to Drupal 10

Changed since Varbase 9.0.13 :

  • Issue #3367015 by abu-zakham : Refactored Layout Builder Form Alter with a better logic
  • Issue #3368817 : Removed attaching the deprecated seven tour styling library for Varbase Tour
  • Issue #3368783 : Switched Varbase Search to add permissions using the Module Installer Factory to support Drupal 10
  • Issue #3368719 : Added Resource Description Framework (RDF) module with ~2.0 as the replacement of core's RDF in Varbase SEO 9.0.x branch to allow for a smooth upgrade process to Drupal 10

Updates since Varbase 9.0.13 :

  • Issue #3368144 : Updated Drupal Core from ~9.5.0 to ~9.0 || ~10.0 in Varbase Core to allow for a smooth upgrade process to Drupal 10
  • Issue #3368532 : Updated Configuration Update Manager module from ~1.0 to ~1.0 || ~2.0 in Varbase Core to allow for smoother upgrade to Drupal 10
  • Issue #3360963 : Updated Ctools module from ~3.0 to ~3.0.0 || ~4.0.0 for smoother updates
  • Issue #3368604 : Updated Pathologic from ~1.0 to ~1.0 || ~2.0 in Varbase Editor to allow for smoother upgrade to Drupal 10
  • Issue #3368617 : Updated Paragraphs Features module from ~1.0 to ~1.0 || ~2.0 in Varbase Landing Page (Paragraphs) to allow for smoother upgrade to Drupal 10
  • Issue #3368624 : Updated Script Manager module from ~1.0 to ~1.0 || ~2.0 in Varbase SEO to allow for a smooth upgrade process to Drupal 10
  • Issue #3359655 : Updated GoogleTagManager module from ~1.0 to ~2.0.0
  • Issue #3359647 : Updated Inline Entity Form module from 1.0.0-rc15 to 2.0.0-beta6 and kept needed patches
  • Issue #3362770 : Reverted Inline Entity Form back to 8.x-1.0-rc15 and kept needed patches
  • Issue #3363227 : Reverted Inline Entity Form module back to ~1.0 in Varbase Media
  • Issue #3360254 : Updated Admin Toolbar from ~3.0 to ~3.4.0
  • Issue #3359615 : Updated Taxonomy Access Fix module from ~3.0 to ~4.0.0 stable
  • Issue #3359308 : Updated Focal Point module from ~1.0 to ~2.0.0

Fixes since Varbase 9.0.13 :

  • Issue #3364872 : Fixed No moderated content available in the Moderated Content Admin View
  • Issue #3368943 by emircanerkul : Fixed change of entity_embed as embed route name
  • Issue #3368724 : Fixed Drupal 10 Error message update for not requesting a non-existent service app.root
  • Issue #3367501 by Qusai Taha : Fixed Error When Using Vartheme Claro 3.0.x on Drupal 10 and CKEditor 4 libraries
  • Issue #3369858 : Fixed layout styling for node forms with Claro and Drupal 10

Updating Varbase 9.0.13 to Varbase 9.0.14
Navigate to "/update.php" then the following updates are needed to the database

Updated Change log file:

Varbase Automated Functional Testing

Varbase Gherkin features

📌 Task






Created by

🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

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Production build 0.69.0 2024