- Issue created by @Jon Pugh
- πΊπΈUnited States Jon Pugh Newburgh, NY
I just dug up the command used in Circle CI.
../bin/drush site-install varbase --yes --account-name="webmaster" --account-pass="dD.123123ddd" --account-mail="webmaster@vardot.com" --db-url="mysql://root:rootpw@" --locale="en" varbase_multilingual_configuration.enable_multilingual=true varbase_extra_components.vmi=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_heroslider_media=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_carousels=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_search=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_blog=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_auth=true install_configure_form.enable_update_status_emails=NULL -vvv
- πΊπΈUnited States Jon Pugh Newburgh, NY
Using that full command in drush worked.
FWIW I added it as a composer script to varbase_project to make demonstrations easier:
This creates a composer command for one shot varbase install.
composer varbase:install
β― lando composer v:i Xdebug: [Log Files] File '/tmp/xdebug.log' could not be opened. > drush site:install varbase varbase_multilingual_configuration.enable_multilingual=true varbase_extra_components.vmi=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_heroslider_media=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_carousels=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_search=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_blog=true varbase_extra_components.varbase_auth=true install_configure_form.enable_update_status_emails=NULL Xdebug: [Log Files] File '/tmp/xdebug.log' could not be opened. You are about to: * DROP all tables in your 'drupal9' database. Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]: > yes [notice] Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while. [notice] Performed install task: install_select_language [notice] Performed install task: install_select_profile [notice] Performed install task: install_load_profile [notice] Performed install task: install_verify_requirements [notice] Performed install task: install_verify_database_ready [notice] Performed install task: install_base_system [notice] Performed install task: install_bootstrap_full [notice] Performed install task: install_profile_modules [notice] Performed install task: install_profile_themes [notice] Performed install task: install_install_profile [notice] Performed install task: install_configure_form [notice] Performed install task: varbase_multilingual_configuration_form [notice] Performed install task: varbase_configure_multilingual [notice] Performed install task: varbase_extra_components [notice] <em class="placeholder">Publish state</em> hidden for: Media types (Audio, File, Gallery, Image, Remote video, Video) [notice] <em class="placeholder">Unpublish state</em> hidden for: Media types (Audio, File, Gallery, Image, Remote video, Video) [warning] The "views_block:varbase_heroslider_media-varbase_heroslider_media" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:field_media" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:body" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:field_tags" was not found [warning] The "views_block:varbase_blog-related_blog_posts_block" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:field_media" was not found [warning] The "views_block:varbase_blog-most_recent_blog_posts_block" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:body" was not found [warning] The "views_block:varbase_blog-most_popular_blog_posts_block" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:field_tags" was not found [warning] The "views_block:varbase_blog-related_blog_posts_block" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:field_media" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:body" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:field_tags" was not found [warning] The "views_block:varbase_blog-related_blog_posts_block" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:field_media" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:body" was not found [warning] The "views_block:varbase_blog-most_recent_blog_posts_block" was not found [warning] The "views_block:varbase_blog-most_popular_blog_posts_block" was not found [warning] The "field_block:node:varbase_blog:field_tags" was not found [warning] The "views_block:varbase_blog-related_blog_posts_block" was not found [notice] Performed install task: varbase_assemble_extra_components [notice] Performed install task: varbase_development_tools [notice] Performed install task: varbase_assemble_development_tools [notice] Performed install task: install_finished [success] Installation complete. User name: admin User password: c5hNh8WPqN > drush uli Xdebug: [Log Files] File '/tmp/xdebug.log' could not be opened. https://varbase.lndo.site/user/reset/1/1686762886/lThjNr0YpN_fEkCRDm3sI2nnK9fBhPWTp_PKtMW3hJw/login
- π―π΄Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
Webform 6.1.5 was released on: 12 Jun 2023 by: jrockowitz β
Thanks, Jacob
https://www.drupal.org/project/webform/releases/6.1.5 βMany submissions fixes
Thanks, Jon, for reporting.
let us report that to the Webform module tooBy the way Varbase has the
Varbase Webform
Which Varbase enable it by default in the default.components.varbase.bit.yml - π―π΄Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
Which PHP version you are building and testing with?
Webform has issues with PHP 8.2 on the
They had them fixed in the6.2.x
branch - Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 8:55am 15 November 2023