ATM the defaults contain overwrites for each content type compared to the main content metatag config. This is kinda pointless, since as soon as something is set on global or content level, lower-level overrides actually inherit everything that is not overridden. The overrides per content types can be gone for most.
Also content by default contains article, which is not correct, that should only be there for news. Events don't have default config.
We also show all metatag groups for all content types, which should not be done, if we want stuff easier out of the box. So e.g. events should not have most stuff, besides event then.
Proposed resolution
* Front page
- Enable the overrides.
- Add the following tags:
description: '[node:field_description]'
abstract: '[node:field_description]'
og_description: '[node:field_description]'
twitter_cards_type: summary_large_image
* Global
- Add the following tags
schema_web_page_type: WebPage
schema_web_page_breadcrumb: 'Yes'
og_image_width: '600'
og_image_height: '315'
* Node
- Remove Content: Page overrides (metatag.metatag_defaults.node__page.yml)
- Replace og_image_url with og_image
- Add the following tags
og_image_width: '[node:field_media_canonical_image:entity:field_media_image:social_large:width]'
og_image: '[node:field_media_canonical_image:entity:field_media_image:social_large:url]'
og_image_height: '[node:field_media_canonical_image:entity:field_media_image:social_large:height]'
og_image_alt: '[node:field_media_canonical_image:entity:field_media_image:0:alt]'
schema_article_type: Article