- Issue created by @catch
- πΊπΈUnited States joelsteidl
I'm going to try the service provider route, at least until 3.1.0 and then possible deprecate that.
In the meantime, if anyone hits this error, I was able to enable apitools with drush even after upgrading with composer to 3.x.
- πΊπΈUnited States COBadger
In my case I needed to require and enable apitools, then update zoomapi. I got the same error as @catch did otherwise, and I could not enable apitools with drush.
- Assigned to COBadger
- πΊπΈUnited States COBadger
Here's a patch that:
- Defines the zoomapi.client service conditionally, dependent upon the existence of apitools.client_base, and
- Installs the apitools module via implementation of hook_update_N().
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 3:04pm 1 September 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States COBadger
Revised revised patch with new an improved filename.
- Issue was unassigned.
- πΊπΈUnited States COBadger
Was getting errors with my previous patch. Apologies for the many posts. Revised patch attached.
- π³π΅Nepal lalustine
Hi @COBadger,thanks for your revised patches. Now i am able to install the upgraded zoom api module but i am getting below issue while making post request with zoom api.
Failed to complete Zoom API Task "Client error: `POST https://zoom.us/oauth/token` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: {"reason":"unsupported grant type","error":"unsupported_grant_type"} "
I have filled Client Secret , Client ID and other details as suggested in the given link https://www.drupal.org/docs/extending-drupal/contributed-modules/contrib... β
- πΊπΈUnited States joelsteidl
@lalustine Thanks for testing the patch.
Can you post your code for the failure?
- πΊπΈUnited States COBadger
After much testing and a strong tip from @joelsteidl I have a revised patch for testing.
joelsteidl β
committed f3b47beb on 3.0.x authored by
COBadger β
Issue #3366248 by COBadger, catch, joelsteidl: Update from 2.0 to 3.0...
joelsteidl β
committed f3b47beb on 3.0.x authored by
COBadger β
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 10:39pm 19 September 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States joelsteidl
Committed to dev and will be part of 3.0.0-alpha3 soon.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.