Quantity Shipment can be created more than Quantity Ordered

Created on 10 June 2023, about 1 year ago
Updated 11 June 2023, about 1 year ago

I tried the module and found that if I created a shipment with, let's say item A with 1 quantity. (1 is what customer ordered.) When I tried to create a new shipment, item A is still there in the list. I saw that the selection is uncheck but then, I can check it. So, I can create more shipment of that item even though I already created it. Total ordered is 1 but Shipped can be a lot more.

I think, It's better to hide any item that the quantity shipment is equal to the quantity ordered.


πŸ’¬ Support request

Closed: works as designed





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  • Issue created by @abx
  • That's by design. What if the item you ship gets broken and you need to replace it? πŸ€“

  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed about 1 year ago
  • Thank you for explanation.

    I still think at least, have something to distinguish it like font color. Or display a warning if trying to over ship. With current UI, chance to make a mistake is very high especially with a store that usually make multiple shipments.


  • As it is right now, the box is unchecked and the quantity is set to zero on items that have been completed. The default quantity value for each item when a new shipment is created is the amount left to ship to complete the order. If 5 are ordered, and you ship 3, then the default value is 2, etc.

    So a user already has the following warning signs:

    • sees 0 in the quantity box,
    • and the check box is unchecked,
    • and the ordered and shipped quantities match,

    You might be able to do a form alter that if the ordered and shipped quantities match, disable the checkbox and quantity widget.

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