- Issue created by @stella
- Status changed to Closed: duplicate
over 1 year ago 11:39pm 4 June 2023
This error appears on node save and content type save:
Deprecated function: Calling static trait method Drupal\textfield_counter\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\TextFieldCounterWidgetTrait::getLengthOfSubmittedValue is deprecated, it should only be called on a class using the trait in Drupal\textfield_counter\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\TextFieldCounterWidgetTrait::validateFieldFormElement() (line 352 of modules/contrib/textfield_counter/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/TextFieldCounterWidgetTrait.php).
Tested with Drupal 9.5.9 and textfield counter 2.1.0
Closed: duplicate