I'm working on a multi-currency site at the moment, we aren't getting the "currencyCode" on purchase events and thus aren't seeing the currency code in the data.
We have an odd situation where we are using ajax for add to cart, so I think this may have caused issues. I have fixed it now so that it fires the add to cart event correctly so I am seeing it in the dataLayer after a page load, however, my initial thoughts were that the currency code might have persisted across the "ecommerce" array for further events (ie Checkout, Purchase), but it looks like the event storage is flushes every time the events are pushed to GTM, so I suppose this isn't correct?
I then wondered whether you only need to receive the currency code on "add to cart", and then analytics will do all the clever things to copy the currency code to the further events.
Anyway, regardless of my speculation... I've added the currencyCode into the 'purchase' event for now just to get rid of any confusion and ensure it's there for revenue tracking, but it'd be great to get some clarity if anybody knows as to whether we should add the currency code to every event or not.
If so, I can add the currency code to the other events too.
PS. Thanks for the great module!