- Issue created by @RoSk0
- πΊπΈUnited States eojthebrave Minneapolis, MN
Installing drupal/recommended-project (9.5.9) - Downloading drupal/recommended-project (9.5.9) - Installing drupal/recommended-project (9.5.9): Extracting archive Created project in /var/lib/tugboat/stm 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c cd stm && composer require --no-update drupal/core-recommended:^9.0 ./composer.json has been updated 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c cd stm && composer require --no-update drupal/core-composer-scaffold:^9.0 ./composer.json has been updated 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c cd stm && composer require --dev --no-update drupal/core-dev:^9.0 ./composer.json has been updated 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c cd stm && composer require --no-update drush/drush:^10.0 ./composer.json has been updated 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c ln -snf "${TUGBOAT_ROOT}/stm/web" "${DOCROOT}" 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c echo "SIMPLYEST_STAGE_DOWNLOAD" SIMPLYEST_STAGE_DOWNLOAD < ... snip ... > No security vulnerability advisories found 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c echo "SIMPLYEST_STAGE_INSTALLING" SIMPLYEST_STAGE_INSTALLING 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c cd "${DOCROOT}" && chmod -R 777 sites/default 64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c php -d memory_limit=-1 ${DOCROOT}/vendor/bin/drush si demo_umami --db-url=mysql://tugboat:tugboat@mysql:3306/tugboat --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin -y Could not open input file: /var/www/html/vendor/bin/drush Command Failed (Tugboat Error 1064): Exit code: 1; Command: php -d memory_limit=-1 ${DOCROOT}/vendor/bin/drush si demo_umami --db-url=mysql://tugboat:tugboat@mysql:3306/tugboat --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin -y
It looks like Drush gets installed:
64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c cd stm && composer require --no-update drush/drush:^10.0
But then $DOCROOT is linked to the /web directory, and maybe the vendor directory is up on level in ${TUGBOAT_ROOT}/stm/vendor
64920e17d3417820389c3df7# /bin/sh -c ln -snf "${TUGBOAT_ROOT}/stm/web" "${DOCROOT}"
And so this path is invalid "${DOCROOT}/vendor/bin/drush si demo_umami"
Looks like this code is located here https://git.drupalcode.org/project/simplytest/-/blob/8.x-4.x/modules/sim... and probably needs to be updated.
- πΊπΈUnited States eojthebrave Minneapolis, MN
@ankondrat4 that seems like a different issue. Like the Tugboat.qa API wasn't responding.
- Status changed to Closed: duplicate
over 1 year ago 12:27pm 21 June 2023 - πΊπΈUnited States eojthebrave Minneapolis, MN
Looks like this is a duplicate of #3329748: Error with Umami demo β . Which also already has a merge request to fix the problem.
- πΊπ¦Ukraine ankondrat4 Lutsk
I have checked button Unami Demo one-click and now it started to build istance, but stopped with error:
There was a build error 60% This may be the error: 6492f83b04341bec753a3d57# /bin/sh -c php -d memory_limit=-1 ${DOCROOT}/vendor/bin/drush si demo_umami --db-url=mysql://tugboat:tugboat@mysql:3306/tugboat --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin -y Could not open input file: /var/www/html/vendor/bin/drush