String Context needed for the word book

Created on 5 May 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 11 August 2023, over 1 year ago


The problem here is that the word book can have several meanings. Like in oyu read a book or you book a Room.

The point i like to point out here is that there are languages where different words are used for that. In the first context we have an

objct, the book that we read and in the context of the second sentence we'll have the task we'll preform whenb we create teh acutal

booking for a room.

So if we translate that module to a different languge than englisch we'löl have a problem here.

Especially in languages where some letters to the ending of a word to determine if you you talking about someting you like to do or an object.

For instance. In Germany you can saw something (etwas sägen) or you can talk about a saw (über eine Säge sprechen). Thats the wohle point here.

The label of the button that you can click on to book an opening for a bookable entity is currently nameed Book in german and otehr languages. Thats. wrong. The reason for this is that there is no context for bookings done by useing bookable calender.

We need one so Drupal could defferenciate between a Book and the action, that you like to preform, when you book an entity via the booking calnedar module.

Steps to reproduce

Setup Drupal
Install bookable calendar
enable bookable calender
enable the book module
enable the interface translation module
enable at least one more language than English
Go to /admin/config/regional/translate
Search for the Singel word Book in English
Translate it with This is a Test
Save your changes

Create a booking calnedar and an opening, so you are able to book something. (See the video for a grate tutorial on this:
When you finished creating your opening for a booking calendar click a timeslot link on teh particualr node so you'll get redirected to

Result: The button on the right is labeld whit wwhatever string you hae choosen for the word Book.

Proposed resolution

add a string context for the module to got an extra string to translate, see:

Remaining tasks

string context must be added

User interface changes

button to book an opening instance will have it's pown translation seperated from the translation string for the word Book.

API changes


Data model changes


🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇩🇪Germany joachim namyslo Kulmbach 🇩🇪 🇪🇺

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