- Issue created by @kopeboy
- 🇮🇹Italy kopeboy Milan
Tried to create a View showing User balances (there are a few I did for test purposes) but there is no operations' links and trying to add Views Bulk Operations results in Error:
Typed property Drupal\views_bulk_operations\ViewsBulkOperationsEvent::$entityTypeIds must not be accessed before initialization in Drupal\views_bulk_operations\ViewsBulkOperationsEvent->getEntityTypeIds() (line 99 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/views_bulk_operations/src/ViewsBulkOperationsEvent.php).
- 🇮🇹Italy kopeboy Milan
I tried with drush entity:delete and field:delete but there I can't find any balance or transaction entities or field to delete...
- 🇭🇷Croatia Aporie
You want to delete commerce payment methods: /admin/modules/uninstall/entity/commerce_payment_method or only commerce funds payment method. This has to be done manually.
but there is no operations
Why would you need to manually edit transactions? This module is not intended to perform such actions.
- Status changed to Closed: works as designed
about 1 year ago 4:39pm 1 November 2023